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Horror! Nigerian Woman Commits Suicide By Setting Herself On Fire

A Nigerian woman has committed suicide by setting herself on fire in ECWA staff community of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau.

According to a witness, the woman identified as Miss Dinatu Gadi bought a gallon of kerosene at about 8 p.m., sneaked to the back of their house, poured the whole content on her body and set herself alight.

The witness said;

“I was outside the house when I saw a huge fire behind the compound and thought someone was burning trash.”

“Then I heard someone scream once and said ‘I am dying’, and I quickly went behind to inquire what was going on and discovered someone was burning in the fire. Immediately, we brought water and poured it on her, but it was already too late, she was badly burnt all over, but she was still alive.” He added.

“Only God knows why she committed the act, because we all saw her going about doing her normal duties during the day.”

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