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I need love And Ready To Date- Single mum Maureen Waititu declares

According to Maureen she says single mums are the dopest people to love She is private about her love life from now on maureen waititu in gym clothes courtesy Instagram Media personality and former model Maureen Waititu loves love.

That is a fact she is willing to admit.

Maureen disclosed to YouTuber Lynn Ngugi that she is a single mum who wants love.

“Love is a beautiful thing, there is just something about..leave alone breakups, but just growing up and realizing your priorities.”

She views love differently now “Personally the person I would imagine in my life would have to be my best friend because when the butterflies are over you must face this person and ask where are we going”

She bashed the notion that single mums such as herself should not be loved owing to the notion that they come with baggage.

“Single mums are dope. We live in a very, I dont know whether it’s Kenya or Africa there is this whole notion of mothers dont deserve love. No, I’m a mother then there are kids, and the truth is yes we do come as a package, kids are my responsibility and they have their father. Me, I need love,” she told while laughing

“Let me tell you, some of the most amazing people to love. Yes, I’m speaking on behalf of all the single mums around the world, single mums are so dope. In as much as we will give you the calendar, you chose three months from now which day Im available, we are dope, and responsible, and everything is good. But for me, friendship in love is very important”

She wants a man who can build a friendship with her, a man with self-awareness.

She says she can imagine going home to somebody, cooking a meal for someone “But then that friendship needs to be there. Because love is not a feeling, you’ve got to wake up every day and chose this person.”

“Self-awareness coz weuh people are broken out there, broken is okay but are you self-aware, are you able to say I have this weakness and Im working on it other than being in denial and the cycle repeats itself.”

She wants to keep her love life – if at all she is in one- a private affair. “Because hee, the things I have seen I have learnt. I am not trying to prove a point, if I love in private that is all that matters. And I am very happy”

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